Our leadership team is made up of a diverse group of professionals who celebrate Evernest’s vision and values. They work tirelessly to not only provide a great experience for both owner and resident but to lead and grow their teams.
Matthew is a student of the book Good To Great and is passionate about building Evernest to become the best property management company on the planet; and maybe even the universe if Elon Musk will hurry up. 要做到这一点, he spent the first seven years of Evernest in the trenches but now focuses most of his time facilitating growth in other markets. 企业家精神是家族遗传的. 他的妻子经营着一家名为Engaged的成功企业. 你通常可以在棒球场看到马修和他儿子在一起, 在和女儿的舞蹈表演会上或者和妻子在他最喜欢的餐馆里, 他不在办公室的时候. 如果你在这些地方都找不到他,那很可能意味着他在旅行. 家乡:阿拉巴马州维斯塔维亚山
在机构和技术驱动的房地产方面拥有丰富的经验, 马特·帕特森 joins Evernest with a fervent passion for operations and building top-performing teams. 在他的职业生涯中, he has honed his skills at three of the country's largest single-family rental operators, 他对我们扩大到25人的任务至关重要,000门. 马特在房地产行业的旅程始于一家私人投资公司, 2012年,他迅速转型为机构SFR. He excelled in acquisitions, successfully launching markets and creating opportunities for growth. 随后, 马特加入了一家新公司,以优化他们的投资组合并简化运营, which led to his next challenge of relaunching national acquisitions and managing relationships with ibuyers. 经过一系列的并购, Matt joined a new company to take on the task of building the nation's first tech-enabled property management company, 在那里,他见证了公司从500人增长到令人印象深刻的15人,在短短5年的时间里. 有创新的动力和创造不同的激情, 马特现在加入珠峰,继续他的影响深远的旅程. 除了他的专业努力, 马特是一位慈爱的丈夫,也是三个孩子的骄傲父亲, 第四胎将于7月出生. In his free time, he enjoys staying active through 山地自行车, running, 旅行, and reading.
Graham joined the Evernest team in 2021 and has a proven track record as a problem-solver with the ability to identify the most important drivers that can fundamentally improve a business. 在珠穆朗玛峰之前, he most recently served as the joint CFO/COO in growing healthcare and tourism companies. 他喜欢烧烤, 吃德式墨西哥菜(越辣越好), 呆在户外, 花时间陪伴妻子和三个孩子. 家乡:德克萨斯州休斯顿.
阿什利·卢娜 joined the Evernest team in early 2023 as the Director of Operations for 孟菲斯. 阿什利在孟菲斯地区出生和长大,她热爱她的城市. She brings 14 years of property management experience with a mix of multifamily and single-family properties. 阿什利对人充满热情,乐于助人. She has served on several non-profit boards and loves when she can merge her work and passions together. 不工作时, 阿什利喜欢阅读, 烹饪, 园艺, 户外活动, 花时间陪女儿, 的男朋友, 还有两只狗.
David是一位专注且经验丰富的房地产专业人士, serving as the overseer of the Mid-Western Region and institutional relationships at Evernest. With an extensive background in both single family and multifamily investment real estate spanning over a decade, David为everest运营团队带来了宝贵的专业知识和洞察力. 作为主要经纪人, 他坚持最高的职业标准, 道德, and accountability in asset management to ensure maximum returns on investment for his clients. 大卫对卓越的追求从他的工作延伸到他的家庭生活, 他住在橄榄枝的什么地方, 和他的妻子和四个女儿一起去密西西比.
吊杆弗莱彻 joined the Evernest team in 2022 as the 小石城 Director of Operations. 在过去的15年里,他一直在为军队和私人组织服务和领导. 在过去十年中, Derrick began to invest in rental properties: learning everything he could about the market, 管理他的财产, 完成小的康复训练. 这个爱好促使他寻找一份全职工作,让他每天都能做这件事. In his free time, you can catch him looking for more deals and performing rehabs on his new rentals. 家乡:洛杉矶门罗
Heather于2021年12月加入珠峰团队. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management from Widener University. Heather有超过10年的客户服务经验, 源于东海岸的酒店业. 此后,她搬到了她现在称之为家的塔尔萨 & 一直在发展她的房地产事业. 在她的空闲时间,希瑟喜欢户外活动和她的狗,越野冒险 & 旅行. 家乡:宾夕法尼亚州费斯特维尔
乔斯林卡斯特罗 is a passionate and skilled real estate professional with a unique blend of retail management, 客户服务, 亚洲博彩平台排名知识. 她拥有超过10年的经验,为客户提供丰富的专业知识. 出生在迈阿密, 住在佛罗里达,过去七年一直住在坦帕, Jocelyn holds a degree in Business Administration from Miami-Dade College/Ashworth University. She is licensed as a Broker and 社区 Association Manager and is driven to provide exceptional service to all her clients. Jocelyn's goal is to continuously contribute to the success of her company and to achieve success as a Realtor®. 在闲暇时间,她喜欢旅行,珍惜与亲人在一起的时光.
劳拉是北卡罗来纳州人, 有二十多年的亚洲博彩平台排名经验, 建设, 开发经验. 作为里士满的运营总监, 她的主要关注点是为租户提供积极的客户体验, 业主和供应商,同时发展她被委托领导的人. 你通常可以在长曲棍球场上找到劳拉, 和丈夫待在房车里, 特洛伊, 还有两只非常活跃的澳大利亚牧羊犬, 莫莉恩典, 阿比盖尔·霍普, 或者做她最喜欢的菜和家人朋友一起享用. Laura and 特洛伊 are the proud parents of six boys and became grandparents for the first time earlier this year. 家乡:北卡罗来纳州金士顿
Natasha is a 北弗吉尼亚 native with more than 16 years of experience in real estate and property management. Natasha currently serves as Evernest’s Director of Operations for the 北弗吉尼亚 market where 她的主要关注点是为租户提供积极的客户体验, 主人, 供应商也一样, 同时培养那些她被委托领导的人. 也, 全国物业租赁经理协会(NARPM)的专职会员, Natasha is passionate about helping clients successfully manage their homes and portfolios across the NOVA and Woodbridge area. Natasha recognizes and values the trust her clients place in her and she strives every day to exceed their expectations through directness, 透明度, 关注他们的需求. At the core, Natasha is a dedicated mom who thoroughly enjoys making a home where the heart is. 她努力帮助别人有同样的感觉.
里斯出生于佐治亚州的奥古斯塔,成年后的大部分时间都在科罗拉多州度过. He graduated from the University of Colorado 博尔德 in 2012 with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. 他在运营和物流管理方面拥有超过10年的经验. 他的专业热情是提供无与伦比的客户服务. In 2020 Reese changed careers and moved 1,500 miles to join the Evernest team in Tennessee. While in TN Reese led the 查塔努加 market and 纳什维尔 markets and as of Dec 2022, 里斯回到科罗拉多来领导我们的科罗拉多, 怀俄明, 亚利桑那州, 和德州市场! When he is not at work Reese spends his time with his wife and two children rock 攀爬, 山地自行车, 享受科罗拉多提供的所有令人惊叹的东西.
从奥本大学毕业后在东亚待了两年, 格雷搬回伯明翰,加入了珠峰队,担任租赁协调员. From there he became the 伯明翰 Team Leader and then moved to 丹佛 to lead the Colorado team. Gray is now the 运营副总裁 at Evernest where he is responsible for all markets across the company. 格雷不在办公室时喜欢滑雪, 野营, 攀爬, 在水上航行, 和所有的丰田陆地巡洋舰. 家乡:阿拉巴马州伯明翰
We’re always looking for passionate people who are excited to be a part of our mission.